The most popular bird tattoo designs are swallow, sparrow and eagle tattoos. The old school, Sailor Jerry type of swallow tattoo is in vogue nowadays. Eagle tattoos never really disappeared, although they are mostly seen on a biker-kind-of-guy or girl. Also popular and full of symbolism are tattoos of the mythical phoenix bird, aka firebird, and tribal bird tattoos. Then again sometimes the bird tattoo design may included in other design of same type in addition with the birds are displayed in the twigs of a tree and that is put on show the life design of a human being. Some of the dedicate tattoos represent that two doves are posture aloft heart amid them. The name of the beloveds may be inscribed if the client want or request for it. Some of the bird tattoos are designed as a symbol of happiness.

Normally Bluebirds are designed for this. The reason behind the added meaning of these tattoos is that the birds have always used for expressing the human soul and spirit in all of the cultures all around the world. In addition with, birds have also associated in the celestial in several cultures and religions. It was associated because the birds travel through the air and they were considering that they are communicating directly with god. Birds were also considered as guides that carried deads spirits for the heavens.